You often have to scrimp and save to get reliable gear at an ultralight weight, but that’s not the case with the gear fostered by the collaboration between Mountainsmith and The Real Hiking Viking. The Zerk 25 is a pared down version of the original Zerk 40 which our gear specialists have raved about and put to repeated use over the last several seasons. With this smaller version, you can go even lighter (if you’ve got other gear to match) and this pack is sure to be one of our go-tos for day hiking or shorter duration adventures. Just like its larger sibling, it has pocketing and attachment points right where you need them and doesn’t bother with extraneous features that add bulk and weight without really delivering functionality that you’re likely to put to use if your focus is on cranking out long miles as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Best Use: Hiking and Backpacking
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