Troy D. Content Specialist What would you say your job is around here? My job, either on camera or writing behind the scenes, is to help people find the right equipment so they can immerse themselves in the humbling complexity and inspiring beauty of the natural world. What was your best outdoor experience? That’s a hard one. I’ve lived on some of the most iconic landscapes in the western hemisphere. I’ve been charged by grizzlies, watched a pronghorn give birth and examined fresh jaguar tracks in a shaft of jungle sunlight. I’ve sat in the Arctic with one thin pane of glass separating me from a curious polar bear. Favorite local place to explore? Sorry – it’s a closely-guarded secret. Factoids about yourself that others may not know I’ve lived in 15 states and three countries.My undergraduate and graduate education is in wildlife biology.I don’t have any pets but cats keep appearing in my apartment.I’m a published fiction and nonfiction writer.I’ve been a ranger for three units of our national park system, and a biologist for the BLM and USFWS.I once saved an elk from drowning in Wyoming.In years past, I’ve worked as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B, wEMT), a Search and Rescue Tech and a wildland firefighter.While living in Florida, I used a minivan to transport a dolphin and immobilized an alligator using bootlaces and duct tape. Favorite quote or big idea? “This above all: to thine own self be true.” Hamlet (1.3.78) « BACK TO THE TEAM